Santa Maria Caves


from the boat



Max depth

10 m

Santa Maria Caves are a popular destination on the Maltese island of Comino. The caves offers spectacular underwater landscapes and unique rock formations, with lush underwater life. Diving there is all about observing the play of light in the beautiful rock chambers and tunnels at a depth of just a few meters. This is an unforgettable experience for diving enthusiasts.

off the boat


A surcharge of €20 will be added, if you rent our equipment

A scuba diver diving inside Santa Maria Caves in Comino. Divewrold Gozo diving centre.

Entering the cave system of Santa Maria Caves, we move into a fabulous world of twilight and emerging vibrating lights. Looking down at the sandy bottom, we can sometimes spot small stingrays, flounders and hermit crabs in their camouflaged homes. As a bonus, there is also a small open air space with holes to the outside where we can emerge. Outside the caverns we will be greeted by a variety of fish, of which there are plenty.

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